Band of Brothers

Way back when.... I had the honor of photographing Myke's senior photos. This time, he came back for a few fun shots with his older brother Benji. What a pair these two are!

I *love* this photo. So funny that all you see of Benji is his arm! Ha ha!

Benji is studying music at Hastings College. I love the way you can 'feel' his laughter in this shot! (That purple shirt is AWESOME btw!)

A red tie.... naturally deserved some attention from the camera....

Here's Myke proving he's still got the moves that rocked his senior session last spring...

You two are a blast! Thanks for taking time out of your busy holiday schedule to come and visit!

Emir is on a Roll!

Emir has been busy putting the camera I bought him for an early (super early!) birthday present to good use. He shot my cousin's wedding in Miami with it. He took it to the polls to document Tuesday's election. On Halloween, he even took it downtown and shot images of party goers in their costumes!

Today, he took it with him to the office and shot this image of fellow designer, Ryan. Great job sweet thing!

Springboard: Kipper

Look out world! Kipper is large and in charge. A few weeks ago Kipper came over for a Springboard photo shoot.

We headed out about the town and had quite the adventure. We ran into a little snag trying to figure out how to tie the neck tie (I will admit I'm yet to learn), and ended up asking random passersby on the street. After numerous failed attempts, a gentleman at a downtown barber shop finally rescued us. I knew he'd know how to tie one!

Look at him workin' it!

Spider man!

I LOVE this shot!

I love how he can be silly.....

and serious. Way to go Kipper!

I hope you had fun Kipper... I know I did! Great work!

More Springboard Gals

Robin came back a few weeks ago with two more Springboard gals for some fun portfolio photos. Here's Lauren & Mercedes rockin' the lens. :) They did such a great job!

I love the scarves, hats, sunglasses, and cowgirl boots they brought. When planning wardrobe for your shoot.... don't overlook accessories... they can make such a difference!

I love these two! (above + below). Proof that a great photo doesn't require a big huge grin... sometimes subtlety speaks volumns....

DrAmA! Love it.

Mercedes was rockin' the 'arms behind the head' move. :)

Nice work ladies!